White River Family Eye Care - Your Dedicated Optometrists in White River Junction & Hanover
White River Family Eye Care is dedicated to providing the most comprehensive eye exams to patients throughout White River Junction & Hanover. Our eye exams are designed to screen for diseases and identify any eye abnormalities. We also have a large selection of contact lenses and frames for you to choose from, with styles, brands and colors to suit every face and preference.
White River Family Eye Care is proud to serve the residents of White River Junction, Hanover and surrounding areas.

Choosing your eyewear is more than just about vision; it's about making a statement about who you are.
Contact lenses are a convenient alternative to glasses, offering visual clarity and ultimate comfort!
We offer a special contact lens exam where we measure your eye's curvature to help us fit you with the most comfortable contact lenses for your eye shape and lifestyle needs.
If you have never used contact lenses before, we will gladly teach you how to use them and insert them in your eye. Once you've done it a few times, it will become second nature.
3 Things That Make White River Junction Eye Doctor's Unique
As we age our eyes start to change, but that doesn’t mean you have to struggle with declining vision. Find out what you can do to maintain eye health after the age of 50.
Although COVID is still present in our lives, we are slowly returning to a semi-normal life. With so many disruptions this past year, the one thing that should be consistent is your child's back-to-school eye evaluations.
If you wear contact lenses, you likely appreciate the freedom it provides. But did you know that wearing contact lenses in water or while sleeping can damage your eyes?
I just recently started coming here and I am have been so impressed with the customer service! Everyone is so friendly and welcoming and I even got my glasses quicker than I expected. I highly recommend